Saturday, November 22, 2014

Mockingjay Part 1 Premiere!

I can't believe another Hunger Games premiere has already come and gone. I remember the first film's premiere like it was yesterday- and now we're on the third! It's tradition that my friend Maddie and I go to the premiere in-costume together. The first year, I was a really shoddy Effie and she was a "Capitol Lady," the next year, she wore the mid-transformation wedding dress I created for her, and this year she went as Katniss and I wore an original design for Effie.

My cardigan wasn't part of the plan- it was COLD and
my zipper broke as soon as I put on the dress. *sigh*

I made my dress (which involved adding each feather individually to ribbon, then hand-stitching the ribbon to the skirt), shoes, fascinator, and styled the wig from two cheapo Halloween wigs that I spliced together.
Car selfie! The seat belt made some of my branches pop off, but that's what I get
for using hot glue! I DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO SEW THEM, OKAY??

Photo booooth!
The photobooth pics were fun to take and, little did we know, the entire session was recorded and projected outside the booth! A nice gentleman said we "were very entertaining" with our goofy faces and all.

Despite a few complications with my costume, I think it all came together well. However, it will need a lot of revamping before I do a shoot in it; the whole dress will much need to come apart and be reassembled before I'm satisfied! I don't know if I want to basically remake it. ;_; That's for another time, though! I'm just happy so many people liked it and even wanted pictures with us! Even though I wore my glasses the whole time... :P Normally I would take them off, but after the broken zipper and having to wear the cardigan, I said screw it and left them on. Ha ha!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

I Guess I'm Just Irresistable!

Hey, guys! I haven't touched this blog for a few weeks...oops. But! I have something pretty exciting to share with you!

Last weekend, I got to do a photo shoot!! AND IT WAS AWESOME! I wore the Mabel Pines costume I made for Halloween last year but never go to wear. I worked with the amazing Kara of Kara Beth Photography- she was so much fun to work with and did an excellent job with the pictures. (Clicking the photos will take you to their respective deviantART pages!)
Princess handzz!!
I totally hopped a fence to get to this spot!
My personal favorite; I loved this little spot!
I hope you all like the result! There are more pictures on my deviantArt and facebook page and there will be new pictures to post soon! Let me know what you think!