Saturday, November 22, 2014

Mockingjay Part 1 Premiere!

I can't believe another Hunger Games premiere has already come and gone. I remember the first film's premiere like it was yesterday- and now we're on the third! It's tradition that my friend Maddie and I go to the premiere in-costume together. The first year, I was a really shoddy Effie and she was a "Capitol Lady," the next year, she wore the mid-transformation wedding dress I created for her, and this year she went as Katniss and I wore an original design for Effie.

My cardigan wasn't part of the plan- it was COLD and
my zipper broke as soon as I put on the dress. *sigh*

I made my dress (which involved adding each feather individually to ribbon, then hand-stitching the ribbon to the skirt), shoes, fascinator, and styled the wig from two cheapo Halloween wigs that I spliced together.
Car selfie! The seat belt made some of my branches pop off, but that's what I get
for using hot glue! I DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO SEW THEM, OKAY??

Photo booooth!
The photobooth pics were fun to take and, little did we know, the entire session was recorded and projected outside the booth! A nice gentleman said we "were very entertaining" with our goofy faces and all.

Despite a few complications with my costume, I think it all came together well. However, it will need a lot of revamping before I do a shoot in it; the whole dress will much need to come apart and be reassembled before I'm satisfied! I don't know if I want to basically remake it. ;_; That's for another time, though! I'm just happy so many people liked it and even wanted pictures with us! Even though I wore my glasses the whole time... :P Normally I would take them off, but after the broken zipper and having to wear the cardigan, I said screw it and left them on. Ha ha!

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