Saturday, November 22, 2014

Mockingjay Part 1 Premiere!

I can't believe another Hunger Games premiere has already come and gone. I remember the first film's premiere like it was yesterday- and now we're on the third! It's tradition that my friend Maddie and I go to the premiere in-costume together. The first year, I was a really shoddy Effie and she was a "Capitol Lady," the next year, she wore the mid-transformation wedding dress I created for her, and this year she went as Katniss and I wore an original design for Effie.

My cardigan wasn't part of the plan- it was COLD and
my zipper broke as soon as I put on the dress. *sigh*

I made my dress (which involved adding each feather individually to ribbon, then hand-stitching the ribbon to the skirt), shoes, fascinator, and styled the wig from two cheapo Halloween wigs that I spliced together.
Car selfie! The seat belt made some of my branches pop off, but that's what I get
for using hot glue! I DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO SEW THEM, OKAY??

Photo booooth!
The photobooth pics were fun to take and, little did we know, the entire session was recorded and projected outside the booth! A nice gentleman said we "were very entertaining" with our goofy faces and all.

Despite a few complications with my costume, I think it all came together well. However, it will need a lot of revamping before I do a shoot in it; the whole dress will much need to come apart and be reassembled before I'm satisfied! I don't know if I want to basically remake it. ;_; That's for another time, though! I'm just happy so many people liked it and even wanted pictures with us! Even though I wore my glasses the whole time... :P Normally I would take them off, but after the broken zipper and having to wear the cardigan, I said screw it and left them on. Ha ha!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

I Guess I'm Just Irresistable!

Hey, guys! I haven't touched this blog for a few weeks...oops. But! I have something pretty exciting to share with you!

Last weekend, I got to do a photo shoot!! AND IT WAS AWESOME! I wore the Mabel Pines costume I made for Halloween last year but never go to wear. I worked with the amazing Kara of Kara Beth Photography- she was so much fun to work with and did an excellent job with the pictures. (Clicking the photos will take you to their respective deviantART pages!)
Princess handzz!!
I totally hopped a fence to get to this spot!
My personal favorite; I loved this little spot!
I hope you all like the result! There are more pictures on my deviantArt and facebook page and there will be new pictures to post soon! Let me know what you think!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Throw blanket progress

Progress on my knitted throw blanket has been coming along nicely. I received the yarn on the 14th and got straight to work. Due to the drastic changes in thickness throughout the yarn and the smaller-than-called-for needles I chose, it was difficult to get gauge; ultimately, my gauge is still a little off, but I think it's working out fine.
Except a few minor hiccups at the beginning (i.e. I wasn't paying attention AT ALL), this project is working up well! It's nice to work on while watching TV because it isn't too involved. It also moves along rather quickly, despite it's size.
The yarn is absolutely perfect, too. It does shed a LOT, which is something I hope will subside after a while, but other than that, it's beautiful. It's oh-so soft, has excellent drape, and is nice and heavy. Also, the thick-and-thin nature of the yarn lends itself perfectly to the rustic/heirloom quality I was aiming for. I can't wait to see how this project turns out!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Picking up the needles

I have been very (dare I say) out of the loop with knitting for the past few months. Between moving, trying to get a car, and starting two jobs since May, I have felt like I didn't have time to sit down and knit. Although, I did crank out a Link-style hat, a Hufflepuff scarf and most of a Doctor Who scarf with the intent of selling them to fund my car, none of those projects ever made it out of the WIP stage. And, I mean, is it really knitting if you;re forcing yourself to do it? I suppose it can be, but I try to make my knitting time as relaxing as possible.

Since I have started my bedroom redecorating project, I have decided that I need a nice, textural throw blanket in a beautiful mustard yellow to coordinate with my new color scheme (grey, purple, and yellow). I looked around online for a bit, but didn't find anything I was really pleased with. Then, I remembered, "hey, I can knit!" For the pattern, I decided on a Lion Brand pattern knit with a chunky yarn and with simple cables; this will be my largest project to date, so I didn't want something too intricate that would deter me from finishing it. I chose the "Cable Comfort / Sutter's Mill Throw."
Click here for the pattern!
Having decided on a pattern, I then turned to my favorite yarn supplier, and started purusing through their decadent selection of yarns. I knew I wanted something in their "Turmeric" shade and I needed a bulky yarn for the pattern I chose; I decided on Billow and ordered 10 skeins! I'm really excited about this yarn because of the beautiful color, luxurious feel, and variegated thickness. I know it's going to make the smooshiest, most wonderful blanket! Since it is cotton, I know it will get really pilly/hairy, but I'm hoping that will wear off after a while, as most cottons do.

While I'm waiting for my yarn order to arrive, I decided to do some warm up knitting by starting a new hat for the coming cold weather. Even though it's still in the 80's here in Indiana, it's never to early to start your winter knitting! I decided on the Katherine Hat pattern by Erin Kate Archer. I chose some Wool of the Andes from my stash (and a project that never was) in the color "Cadet" and got to knitting! I am really loving the pattern so far; there are only 4 rows to the stitch pattern- one of which repeats- making it easy to memorize and fast to work up.
Instagram snap from earlier during the Property Brothers marathon!

I can't wait to finish this one; I know it's going to be adorable for the fall! Here's to hoping my workweek(end) will pass quickly and I'll have my new yarn in hand before long!

Have a good night, readers!


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

On being lonely

Do you ever feel like you're stuck? More or less for no reason, but it seems like every direction you try to turn in, you're met with a wall. Recently, I have felt very productive; I was painting this and that and getting all sorts of materials for varying projects, then, boom. I just sort of stopped.

I am aware of some of the contributing factors- one being that I'm indecisive, another being money, and yet another being that when I finally do decide on a color scheme, I'm told I can't have the paint I want in my desired color (*cough* thanks, Sherwin Williams *cough*). I think one of the biggest issues was that I got really caught up in all these different projects I've been trying to do and was trying to move in too many directions at once. So, as things usually go with me, I've come down off the creative high and now I'm in a defeated slump.

I think some other life situations have been contributing to my slump as well; I was hoping to be closer to moving out by the time September rolled around, yet, here it is the 9th and I'm no closer to having my own place than I was 2 months ago. Again, I know that's my fault as I haven't been the most diligent with saving money, but I guess I thought if I just let things go, they would happen in their own time. Turns out, that's not always the case. So, over the next few weeks, I'm going to try my hardest to put more of my paycheck aside so I can afford to move out sometime this fall.

Yet another issue I have been facing is one of severe loneliness. I'm used to doing things alone. I like sitting by myself in my bedroom after a busy day at work. I like the crafting spells I get into where I spend hours in solitude working away on one of my numerous WIPs. I like wandering through various flea markets on my own, taking as much time as I want scouring each and every shelf. But, sometimes, I want a little company. Because I do everything alone. I go to the movies alone. I go out for coffee alone. I take walks along the river alone. I go out shopping alone. And while having time to yourself is important, being completely on your own is not enjoyable in the slightest.

I have always been a loner. I have always struggled with feeling like nobody wants to be around me. Every time I speak to someone, I have to remind myself that it's okay for me to talk to them, that I'm not necessarily annoying them with my presence. No matter how intently someone may try reassure me that my company is valued, there will always that subconscious feeling that I'm not wanted. And that is really hard to deal with. Especially when you so desperately want to be around people. When you want to go out and have fun and just be in the company of others. I hate the idea that I'm wasting "the best years of my life" sitting alone in my room and being sad for myself. The thing is, I simply do not know how to meet people. I don't know how to make friends. I don't know how it works.

And so, here I sit, wishing I had someone I could connect with. Wondering what it would be like to have someone who is there for you and who you could be there for. I'm honestly terrified that I am going to spend the rest of my life alone. Most of the time, I can shake off that feeling because surely that won't happen, right? But, other times, the thought brings me to tears because it's so overwhelming.

I try to stay positive to the best of my ability- I know things will get better. I simply don't know what to do to make them better. In the meantime, I'll keep on keepin' on, doing what I can to keep my head above water.

Friday, August 22, 2014


This blog is currently a work in progress, so bear with me!

I have revived this blog a couple times over the past few years, but I have never really stuck with it. This time around, I plan to make more of an effort with it. :)

The past few months of my life have been very hectic. I moved with my family out of my childhood home, started a job, bought a car, started another job, and have since been working to make a life for myself. Let me tell you, it has been an adventure!

Like many, I used to suffer from an internet addiction. For 2 or 3 years, I had a tumblr account that did nothing but devour my time. Last month, I finally deleted my account and broke away from the negative trap that is tumblr.

Just weeks later, I have noticed major improvements in my quality of life! I spend more time actually doing things instead of lying motionless on my bed (or floor) for hours. I'm also working a job I never would have been able to manage if I spent as much time as I used to on the computer. I've also been more creative and have been more dedicated to finishing projects.

Speaking of projects, I have been on a refinishing kick lately! A couple nights a week, I like to watch house-flipping programs on HGTV with my mom; I have found them to be really inspiring! My favorites are Rehab Addict, Flip or Flop, Fixer Upper, and Property Brothers. I especially love the designers who repurpose dated and/worn pieces instead of simply throwing them out. For the past coupe weeks, I have been completely obsessed with finding old pieces that I can breathe new life into! Here are a couple instagrams of my recent works:

The 3-window frame was a $1 Goodwill score that I fixed up with Krylon Color Master in the color Sea Glass; I also did a lamp with the same paint! The larger frames below were old, plastic, brass-finished frames I've had for ages. I sprayed them with Krylon Color Master in Sea Glass and I'm in love! They are still works in progress. I have yet to make one into a chalkboard and the other into a bulletin board.

Today, I went to my local Traderbaker's Flea Market and scored this awesome vintage chair:
You won't believe how much I paid for it- $5!! It obviously needs a new seat and the spindles between the legs need to be put back  in place, but overall, it's in great shape! My dad is going to help me get it fixed up, then I'm going to paint it! I can't wait to get started on it!